There is a great group on FB called "What Makes Your State Great" who is responding to the DC-40's 50 Days of Prayer:
"In response to the DC-40’s 50 Days of Prayer to change our Secular Nation into a Christian One, we have chosen to ask the residents of each of the 50 states of the SECULAR United States of America to post an answer to the question: “What Makes Your State Great?” Each of these dates precedes the DC-40’s Day of Prayer, and will give those of us who wish to think positive thoughts, say our own form of prayers and good wishes over that state the next day, the opportunity to prepare."
Here is my contribution to the great state of Pennsylvania! They say write about what you know, and what I know is horror!
Firstly, we all know that Pittsburgh is the official zombie capital of the world! Mostly credited to the fact the George Romero used Western Pa as a back-drop for the infamous 1968 classic
"Night of the Living Dead"
In 2008, World Zombie Day was created and coordinated by the "It's Alive Show" in Pittsburgh, PA. With calls for Zombie Walks all across the globe, close to 32 cities worldwide reported over 7,500 zombies as participating in World Zombie Day on October 26th. The ittsburgh Zombie Walk brought in more than one ton of food to benefit the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank. (See you can be undead and still have feelings of compassion)
Me and my gals look forward to the annual trip to the city in our finest zombie apparel. It's a bloody good time!
Another classic in the horror genre, and possibly my all-time favorite movie
"The Silence of the Lambs" was also filmed here in the 'Burgh. Actually a scene in the film was filmed right here in our little
hometown. I can remember friends and family going to the open casting call for extras and each and every day I kick myself for being too "busy" to attend.
Next we are off to the setting of
"The Mothman Prophecies"
which was filmed here primarily because of the awesome
bridge we have in Kittanning, Pa. I remember fondly when they were taping and I buckled my oldest (who was just a wee one then) into her stroller and off we went. Yes, I was, not so kindly, asked to remove myself from where I was standing on the street. I'm not even a big Richard Gere fan, but it was pretty neat to have him in our little town. Everyone was abuzz with sightings and information.
And....if the bridge ever looked familiar again it was probably because they used our town once more in filming
"My Bloody Valentine 3-D". For this filming I did see my fair share of filming equipment, crews, and down town action! It was quite exciting to see our little town featured on the big screen once again. (Now you need to go rent those 2 flicks and compare the bridge scenes!)
So that's why I love living here in Western Pennsylvaina! Well, that's one of the reasons why! I would be kicked out of the yinzers club if I didn't mention a few other attractions (that are not horror related) such as the 6X Super Bowl Champion Pittsburgh Steelers! (hell yeah), the infamous Primanti Bros Sandwich Shops, the amazing health care facilities at UPMC, the breath taking landscapes along the various rolling hills and the opportunity to see all 4 seasons as they come and go. It has been joked about, but honestly, I have had my furnace running in the morning and had to have my central air kicked on by afternoon. (Which brings us to another horror story, UTILITY BILLS!)
Thank you for taking the time to see Pennsylvania from my point of view!